March 10th(Sun)
Yata Branch Mabi Kominkan
1684 Yata, Kurashuki-city, Okayama)
ReportMeeting and Workshop in Kurashiki
Free transportation Bus service available
Okayama International Center
(Meeting point: Okayama International Center @ 8:00AM)
Will Receive your Lunch order at the venue
Part1: Report Meeting 10:00-13:40
“Community Reactivating" Situation of villages in Nepal
Senior Consultant, Community Reactivating Support desk,
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Mr. Hiroya Fujii (NPO, Sanson Enterprise)
② 11:10-13:40 (Lunch Break11:50-13:00)
We Invite two people from Nepal!
Award winner
Ms. Kalawati Kumari Joshi(Shreekot CLC, Teacher at Balairaj Basic School)
Mr. Sandesh Subedi(Bhitrikot CLC, General Member, Student of Agriculture and
Forestry University Rampur)
Part 2 : Workshop 14:00-16:00
Theme:Issues and solution of “Community Reactivating”
Participator: From Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Japan
NPO Conference of Okayama International NGO
Network (COINN)
UNESCO Nepal Kathmandu office
Okayama University UNEACO Chair
UENSCO Liaison Committee, Okayama
NPO Conference of Okayama
International NGO Network (COINN)
6F, Okayama International Center,
2-2-1, Hokan-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama city
Okayama 700-0026
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TEL: 086-256-2535