Advantages to be a mamber
・Held various event/meeting/activities for the reinforcement of the group managemant of our members.
・Send people from various nations to the group member activities as a volunteer.
・Cooperation and interchange between the members will expend promoation of your activities and collboration event.
・Useful for grant applications (To the goverment and Foundations)
・Put your information/activities on our homepage to get more visitors.
・Help you to creat multilingual homepage.
・Easy to keep meeting room in Okayama International center 6Fl. as your meeting/working space.
*Can extend usage time (after 21:00 or closed days if the condition meets)
*NGO Mailing box is available (48 boxes)
・Can use wooden panel (30 sets) notice board for your event.
・Can use radio machine set (50 sets) for simultaneous interpratation on your meeting/event.